Koa Care 360

Koa Care 360

With a prevention-first approach to personalized, precision care, Koa Care 360 has something for everyone, lowering barriers to entry with easy navigation to human and digital support across the full continuum of mental health.

Mental healthcare for every employee

Our approach

Effortless care navigation

Our expert-designed pathways make it simple for your staff to navigate to the right support at the right time

Personalized, precision care

Empower employees with comprehensive mental health services, from digital self-care to clinical support for a range of conditions and severity levels

An inclusive mental healthcare model

Resources available in seven languages for members and dependents (18+) in all 50 states, the UK, and additional countries and languages upon request

The challenge

6 in 10 report at least one mental health challenge

Yet the majority won’t seek out professional care, citing a preference for self-help or lack of confidence in treatment. 

And while organizations have increased their mental health benefits investments, 68% of workers say they don’t use them to their full value because they’re too time-consuming, confusing, or cumbersome. 

  1. https://www.mckinsey.com/mhi/our-insights/present-company-included-prioritizing-mental-health-and-well-being-for-all

  2. https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/topics/talent/employee-wellbeing.html

Simple, straightforward navigation to the right care at the right time

24/7 access to clinically-validated digital mental health support

Clinical services for people who want or need 1:1 mental healthcare

Anxiety Treatment (Children)
Anxiety Treatment (Children)

Make it easier for healthcare providers and families to work together to help children overcome anxiety problems with online therapist-supported, parent-led Cognitive Behavior Therapy (OSI) developed by leading experts at the Universities of Reading and Oxford.

OSI has not been reviewed by the FDA

Smiling woman uses phone to access iCT-SAD
Social Anxiety Treatment (Adults)
Social Anxiety Treatment (Adults)

Make it easier for patients and therapists to work towards recovery from Social Anxiety Disorder together with Internet-delivered Cognitive Therapy developed by leading experts at Oxford University.

iCT-SAD has not been reviewed by the FDA